October 1, 2021 will mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The anniversary theme is “The World’s Most Magical Celebration,” and the celebration will last for 18 months.

Festivities will be taking place at all four theme parks, including Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom. Each of these locations will come to life with a magical glow called “Beacons of Magic.”

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 Have you ever seen best friends meet for the first time? What if they were sea monsters? Most likely not. But you can if you watch the movie “Luca.”

Luca Paguro lives with his mom, dad and Grandma. The family lives unseen underwater. And they’re perfectly okay with that. Except for Luca. Luca gets curious one day and finds land monster belongings. He also meets another sea monster who brings him to the forbidden surface! Luca gets curious and goes to the surface again! Alberto, his new friend, shows him how to walk. Luca and Alberto become good friends.

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 Do you know what a lunar rainbow is? As you know, a rainbow can happen when sunlight meets moisture in the air and the moisture refracts, or changes the direction of the light, and the result is a rainbow. Did you know this event can happen at night? This is called a moonbow. Moonbows happen when moonlight meets moisture in the air, and the moisture refracts, or changes the direction of the light, resulting in a moonbow!

How do you see one? Well, moonbows are fairly rare. Why? Because lots of factors must be in place in order to have a chance of seeing one.

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 Recently I read the book “30,000 Stitches” written by Amanda Davis and illustrated by Sally Wern Comport. The book is an amazing story about the American flag that flew over 90 West Street days after the Twin Towers collapsed in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001. The flag quickly became tattered, so it was taken down to be retired.

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 After a month of repairing an odd glitch, NASA has returned the instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope to operational status. The collection of data has also resumed.

On July 17, NASA returned the Hubble Space Telescope to science operations. It was the first data collected since the payload computer experienced a problem on June 13.

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 Did you know that jackrabbits have color-changing ears? Sounds fake, right? Well, I learned a lot of interesting facts like that when I visited Lily Urmann, the program coordinator at The Biomimicry Center at ASU.

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 Last month my family and I went on a Cub Scout Camping weekend at Camp Raymond in Williams, Arizona. Even my sister went. Did you know that girls can be Cub Scouts, too?

We met up with our troop, set up our tent and headed out for a cool hike. On the hike, we caught crayfish and minnows in a little pond. Another troop was supposed to meet us, but the Webelos got a little lost and it took a while for them to find us. Some of the older scouts came over on the hike carrying a snake. It was a garter snake and I got to hold it.

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 Jane Camp is a retired teacher and the founder of Reading2paws. She goes to schools and gives kids free books and stuffed animals. Students read aloud to their stuffed animal every day.

Camp says, “Books were special to me and I loved to read. When I retired, I wanted to do something for kids. I volunteered and found out that many kids had no books at home. I started my charity. Some people gave me books to give out, others purchased books for me and some donated money to help.”

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